Progress Report for the Golden Rule

It’s starting to look a lot like winter, wind, wetness and colder, but the sun was shinning on the 28th of October for a visit from VFP Nationals Mr. Elliott Adams and VFP member Sherri Maurin from San Francisco chapter 69. They were able to see how much we’ve accomplished since Elliotts last visit back in 2011. As I reported last month the bulkheads are in and have been faired, primed, and painted a glossy white. The inside of the cabin has also been painted white enamel. The fiber glassing of the cabin and decks is complete except for final sanding, fairing and one more coat of epoxy resin. The big, messy job of actually piecing the glass with resin was accomplished mostly by Dean Anderson with assistance from the Dutchman, Mike and myself. Now the rains can come, all of the bare wood is protected by either glass or paint.

We are now beginning to earnestly work on the interior. Bill Eastwood is drawing plans for the folding table which he hopes to get built in Garberville and then brought up and installed. I’ve added a bit of framing under the floor to reinforce the footing for the table. What we really need most is some one that is good at cabinet making. I’ll be working on this but my skill level is very slow. Mike is working on the third skiff and this one promises to out shine the first two by having all natural finish with four different types of exotic wood showing through. As soon as Mike is finished with that project he’ll come help me inside the boat.

The Dutchman will be filling in for me for the next few weeks as I will be out back in the desert and completely off line. Money for materials has dried up and donations are coming in very slowly. We need a big fix right now to get the boat ready for launching in 2014.

Chuck DeWitt, Restoration Coordinator

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