Mast maintenance

The first order of business after Captain Kiko arrived this morning was to unwrap the masts.

We’re now doing mast maintenance and getting ready for painting the boat. We’ve scouted out the probable mast hoisting crane here – not great, but we think it will work for us.

And the weather has finally cooled off enough to work.

Thanks to: Craig Wood for his media work, the use of his B&B, truck and tools
Mike McDonald and Collin Mueller for sanding
Dale Opsahl for making thin wood strips
Mary McNellis and Steve for the supply run and showing Kiko and me around Hudson
Collin and Justin (local sailing instructors) for helping get the masts unloaded
Sue Ann and Carla for the social media and video planning and
those who showed up at Minnehaha park for the dancing!

I’m sorry if I forgot to mention anyone – I’m overwhelmed with pride in the Hudson/Stillwater/Minneapolis team!
We have a whole army of helpers!

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