Golden Rule splashed on Friday!

It was THRILLING to watch Goldie go back in the water after her big adventure by truck from California to Hudson, Wisconsin.

Here’s the video:

There were SO MANY people who helped in so many ways!
Captain Kiko, Helder Herrera and many others helped get the sails down and booms off.
Captain Kiko and I “undressed” the masts and prepared them for the truck by covering them with carpet.

On the Wisconsin/Minnesota side, we had Captain Kiko, Mary McNellis, Mike McDonald, Dale Opsahl, Craig Wood, Dave Logsdon, Steve Gates, First Mate Steve Buck, Tom Bauch, Gil Macguire, Justin Farner, Collin Meuller and others who planned events and volunteered at the marina.

We painted the bottom and touched up the top sides andrub rail trim, varnished the pin rails and light bars, and did a lot of work on the masts! We repaired what was needed and gave the masts and booms a great new paint job. We had a really great professional get the propeller bent back to perfect shape.

Steve Buck and Gil Macguire are working on the electronics.
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