08 Nov We’re home! My favorite pictures of the journey
- Jan Passion, Michael Gonzalez, Helen Jaccard and Captain David Robson, the first crew of the maiden voyage
- Crew and volunteers – Helen Jaccard, Ed Fracker, Michael Gonzalez, Jan Passion and Chuck DeWitt
- Sailing past the jaw, supporters on shores of Humboldt Bay
- Isn’t she a beauty?
- Using the twin head sails
- Half Moon Bay – 3 days to wait out a storm
- Pelicans at Half Moon Bay
- Dolphins frequently seen
- Oil slick near Santa Barbara got the boat dirty – we reported the slick
- Skip Oliver replaced Jan Passion in Humboldt Bay
- Relaxing in Half Moon Bay
- VFP Pres Barry Ladendorf interviewed for the arrival in San Diego
- Skip Oliver, Ken Mayers, Barry Ladendorf, John Spitzburg and many other VFPers greeted us in San Diego
- Japanese press delegation
- Hiroshima Day Event with San Diego WISH Foundation
- Ringing the Freedom Bell
- VFPers rang the Freedom Bell
- Marge Sherwood, David Robson and Original 1958 crew member Orion Sherwood
- Hornblower sail-by full of VFPers
- Hornblower filled with VFPers cruising past Golden Rule
- Orion Sherwood from the Hornblower as it sailed past the Golden Rule
- Lantern Ceremony, Hiroshima Day
- Orion Sherwood sailing the Golden Rule again
- VFP Convention banquet
- VFP Executive Director Michael McPherson
- Machai St. Rain prepares to go aloft
- Happy sailing guests
- Sailing guests
- Dr. Akiko Mikamo, her son, and Mark Zambon
- VFP Pres Barry Ladendorf
- Happy sailors
- Susy Cervantes cooked a feast for the crew
- Julie Peet, captain of the Hornblower
- Marjorie Cohn and husband Jerry Wallingford
- VFP Potluck to say good bye to the Golden Rule
- New Captain, Ron Kohl
- Jessica Reynolds Renshaw who was 14 when her family sailed into the test zone in the Marshall Islands and her husband Jerry Renshaw
- Long Beach harbor
- Jessica Reynolds Renshaw and Leo “Bud” Feurt, California State Commander, National Association of Atomic Veterans (from Poway, CA)
- Machai St. Rain sings the Golden Rule song
- History and safety talks
- Happy sailors
- Arlington West (VFP Santa Monica) memorial to Iraq and Afghanistan casualties with Golden Rule in the background
- Cost of Wars (VFP Santa Barbara) display with Golden Rule in the background
- Potluck at Marina Del Rey hosted by VFP chapters
- Sunset at Marina del Rey
- Sea lions lazing on the dock at Marina del Rey
- Blase Bompane at Chain Reaction sculpture in Santa Monica
- Chain Reaction peace sculpture in Santa Monica
- Jerry Rubin talks at Chain Reaction peace sculpture in Santa Monica
- Kathleen Hernandez, activist extraordinaire, at Chain Reaction Peace Sculpture in Santa Monica
- Happy sailor Zoe Wick, Gerry Condon’s daughter
- Ron Kohl, Gabrielle Chan and Zoe Wick
- Gerry Condon, Brian Cowden, Allen McAfee (new crew member), Michael Gonzalez, Helen Jaccard
- Press conference in Santa Barbara
- Golden Rule Banner in front of Santa Barbara Maritime Museum
- David Krieger and Rick Wayman of Nuclear Age Peace Foundation talk with Helen Jaccard and Gerry Condon
- Allen McAfee made this peace sign with VFPSB.org out of weaweed
- Michael Gonzalez and Ron Kohl tighten the turnbuckle on the mizzen shrouds
- Allen McAfee goes aloft
- Tempporary fix to mizzen shroud line
- Sunset at Morro Bay
- Guests at Morro Bay
- Allen McAfee goes aloft again
- Gunter Hamburger from Germany and Mothers For Peace, hoping to shut down Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
- Gunter Hamburger and Michael Gonzalez
- The sea lion that wanted to hop on deck for a nap
- Cracked mizzen base
- Monteray Bay
- We were warmly welcomed by the Peace Coalition of Monterey County at a potluck and educational event at the Monterey Peace and Justice Center.
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Sea otter in Santa Cruz
- India Joze – what a great meal!
- Press conference in Santa Cruz
- Santa Cruz Mayor Don Lane presents a proclamation praisingthe Golden Rule
- Our youngest supporter
- In the life jacket is “D” Nunns, a fantastic and fun host in Santa Cruz!
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom – Helen Jaccard introduced Golden Rule
- History talk to visitors
- The cutest visitors ever
- Whale watching from the cliffs of Santa Cruz
- Collateral Damage sculpture commemorating the human cost of war
- Hanging out with guests, banner and sail up
- Helen gets silly at Allen’s 65th birthday party
- New captain Ed Fracker joins the crew and attends Allen’s birthday party
- Sailing in front of San Francisco
- Golden Rule and Golden Gate Bridge from Norman DeVall’s boat
- Golden Rule and Golden Gate Bridge from Norman DeVall’s boat
- Golden Rule and Golden Gate Bridge from Norman DeVall’s boat
- Golden Rule and Golden Gate Bridge from Norman DeVall’s boat
- Sailing in front of the Jeremiah O’Brien
- San Francisco from Norman DeVall’s boat
- Sailing around in San Francisco Bay
- Code Pink goes sailing on Golden Rule for the Fleet Week Parade of Ships
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