Protect the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty!

The INF prohibits the United States and Russia from deploying both nuclear and conventional missiles with ranges between 310 and 3,420 miles. These are among the weapons most likely to lead to a miscalculation and crisis.
Now, experts are alarmed that pulling out of the treaty will heighten the risks of nuclear war. Congress has the power to force adherence to the treaty if it chooses to act. Please sign this petition to your Senators and Representative.
On Nov 29 Senators Warren, Merkley, Gillibrand and Markey introduced the Prevention of Arms Race act of 2018. “Instead of scrapping a nuclear arms control treaty negotiated by President Reagan that makes America safer, the Trump Administration should listen to our European allies and stick to this agreement while working to get Russia back into compliance,” said Senator Warren. “Withdrawing from the INF Treaty is yet another example of the Trump Administration’s dangerous and costly embrace of nuclear weapons, and the Prevention of Arms Race Act would help reverse this misguided policy.”

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